Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Nothing says fun like getting over bronchitis and having your period. Actually, having my period is even worse for my diet than the bronchitis. At least soup is relatively low calorie or can be low calorie. There's nothing low calorie about shoveling my way through the majority of a bag of Reese's Pieces. Of course now my stomach is doing flips but the cheap candied chocolate was so delicious.

At least dinner itself was fairly healthy. A grilled turkey burger, wax beans, and lo mein noodles w/ vegetables. With a side of Diet Pepsi. Lunch was Madras lentils with brown rice and a Fit and Active southwest veggie Hot Pocket analog. Okay, not the healthiest choice but it could have been worse. At least I resisted the lure or McDonalds and Wendys.

Breakfast was whole wheat toast and apple butter (I'm on a toast and apple butter kick), turkey bacon, and apples. Plus two cups of coffee.

So, yeah, not perfect but not horrible.

Now to top it all off with some Midol.

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