Saturday, January 30, 2010

7-Day Diet, Day 1

This diet freakin' sucks.

I had to get that off my chest.

This is the first day of this diet: fruit day.

I love fruit. All kinds of fruit: apples, oranges, pineapple, pomegranates, tangerines, pears, grapes, kiwi, mangoes, etc...The only things I can't eat are raspberries, blue berries, and black berries, which I'm allergic to.

To supplement the fruits, I can have this cabbage soup concoction. I loathe cabbage. I hate it even more than spinach. At least spinach has some redeeming value when combined with cheese in quiche or spanikopeta or lasagna. Cabbage is just disgusting. But here I am choking down cabbage, onion, tomato and pepper soup with a healthy dose of herbs to cut that nasty, sweaty-sock cabbage taste.

In theory, I will lose 10-17 pounds doing this. Per my trainer, this is way to shock my system back into weight loss mode. All of her clients are on it.

Also, no coffee. No caffeine of any kind. So now I'm hungry and going through caffeine withdrawal. So much fun. Hopefully I won't be divorced by the end of the week.

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